Knowledge Continuum

Notes and Thoughts

An experiment to spark conversations


Correspondence theory of truth and Fallibilism

The provability of the existence of truth in an objective sense is one of the most fundamental problems when it comes to the study of the conceptions of truth in the field of epistemology, for the verification of such an entity is always constrained by the degree of cognitive tangibility of that entity and the possiblity of errors in your interpretation. But what if we can leverage the notion of fallibilism to prove the existence of truth?

The basic idea here is to see each correspondence(C_i_j) between the abstraction(A_i) and the reality(R_j) as remappable with a fungibilty quotient(fq). The fungibility quotient(fq) can be then used to determine the degree of cognitive tangibility, whereas the remappabilty can be used to enforce the popperian/darwinian notion of variation and selection(a.k.a conjecture and criticism) to enable error-correction.


  1. Tarski, A. (1944). The Semantic Conception of Truth: And the Foundations of Semantics. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 4(3), 341-376. doi:10.2307/2102968
  2. David, D. (2021). In conversation with David Deutsch: musing about statements, propositions, and truth
  3. Kolenda, K. (1979). Truth and Fallibilism. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 15(3), 251-258. Retrieved May 8, 2021, from
  4. Massimo Dell'Utri. (2005). Truth and fallibilism: a dubious combination in Robert Nozick's philosophy
  5. Massimo Dell'Utri. (2014). New Frontiers in Truth
  6. Bertrand Russell. (1912). Problems of Philosophy